Here you'll find posts about both the software and the Backdrop community.

Backdrop Meeting Notes (Dec 27, 2018)

The outreach meeting was cancelled today so that we could focus on reviewing issues before the upcoming feature freeze. Issues related to outreach for Backdrop CMS can be found in the issue queue.

It's not too late to schedule your own Backdrop Birthday Party for January 15th (we'll be 4 years old and releasing v.1.12.0 on the same day).

Herb v/d Dool (@herbdool) Joins Backdrop CMS Core Committers!

Add herbdool to core committers

We're excited to have Herb v/d Dool (also known as simply @herbdool on GitHub) join the Backdrop CMS Core Committers team! During the tremendous effort put in by Herb during the Backdrop 1.11.0 release (and before), I noticed again and again how Herb was providing thoughtful, helpful feedback in the Backdrop issue queue. I took the suggestion to make him a core committer to the Backdrop PMC, who approved my suggestion unanimously.

Backdrop 1.11 Released

We're excited to announce to our third and final release for 2018, Backdrop 1.11! This version of Backdrop adds cool new functionality to Backdrop CMS along with numerous bug fixes. Highlights include:

Improved Color Customization for Themes

A new UI for color picking lets you adjust the colors of the included themes. The default theme "Basis" has also received color customization support, so you can colorize both Basis and Bartik themes now.

Drupal Camp LA 2018

Another Drupal Camp LA has come and gone.

To be honest, I wasn't sure it was even going to happen, due to how late in the year it was announced.

But happen it did, and it was great.

I didn't go to many sessions. Instead, I ending up spending most of my time talking with various people about different things. It wasn't necessarily intentional -- that's just the way it worked out.

I did end up attending a few sessions: mostly the ones that involved Backdrop.

Backdrop 1.10 released

After another 4 months of new feature development, we're pleased to announce the release of Backdrop 1.10! This version of Backdrop adds lots of exciting new functionality to Backdrop CMS, including:

Scheduled publishing

Content can now be scheduled as it's being created, and will be automatically published in the future.
