Backdrop 1.27 Released!

Baby New Year dragonThe Backdrop community is proud to announce version 1.27 of Backdrop CMS, which was released as scheduled on January 15, 2024. As part of our commitment to deliver the most usable product, "minor" releases come out three times a year, on a regular schedule. This allows site maintainers to know when to expect updates, and they can plan accordingly.

Backdrop 1.1 released

The first minor release version delivered on May 15, 2015 and it's full of great features!

It's been 4 months since our the 1.0 release. According to our Roadmap, that means it is time for our first minor version: 1.1.0!

Backdrop 1.11 Released

We're excited to announce to our third and final release for 2018, Backdrop 1.11! This version of Backdrop adds cool new functionality to Backdrop CMS along with numerous bug fixes. Highlights include:

Improved Color Customization for Themes

A new UI for color picking lets you adjust the colors of the included themes. The default theme "Basis" has also received color customization support, so you can colorize both Basis and Bartik themes now.

Backdrop 1.10 released

After another 4 months of new feature development, we're pleased to announce the release of Backdrop 1.10! This version of Backdrop adds lots of exciting new functionality to Backdrop CMS, including:

Scheduled publishing

Content can now be scheduled as it's being created, and will be automatically published in the future.

Backdrop 1.6 released

Though Backdrop 1.6.0 may be considered a minor release, it is packed with new features that improve the powerful content management tools and lays the groundwork for comprehensive file and media management in future releases. 

Backdrop 1.9 Released

Backdrop is pleased to announce the first of three annual releases for 2018 that includes some brand-new features and a long list of fixes!

One of the new features that stands out in the 1.9.0 release is the ability to manage individual files.  You can now replace a file, and all pages where that file is referenced will be automatically updated. 

Backdrop 1.12 Released

It’s exciting to announce the release of Backdrop CMS version 1.12.0 on Backdrop’s 4th Birthday (and the follow-up security release 1.12.1 the next day)! Backdrop CMS version 1.12 comes with a number of bug fixes, improvements to the user interface, and a suite of new features, such as:

Backdrop core can now self-update.

Backdrop 1.8 Released

Many Backdrop CMS contributors have been hard at work, and it’s now time to share the fruits of their labor with the rest of the community. Backdrop CMS is proud to announce its 9th on-time release: Backdrop 1.8!

This minor release comes with refreshing design improvements for several administration interfaces and a few new functionality enhancements to improve Backdrop’s usability overall.

Backdrop 1.5 released

Backdrop 1.5 is a release packed with new features and an all-new out-of-box experience! A new default theme -- "Basis", drop-down menus, a homepage layout, demo content, and hero block provide a fresh take on the fundamentals of a modern day content management system.
