Backdrop CMS Honors Drupal 7 End of Life

Oakland, CA, January, 2025: The Backdrop project marks January 05, 2025 as the official End of Life (EOL) for Drupal 7, a product with which its own history is deeply intertwined.  

The Backdrop project would like to express its gratitude to the Drupal project for creating and sustaining Drupal 7 for over a decade.  The Drupal community wanted a stable, reliable and secure product, and they were not disappointed!  Drupal 7 was the longest-lived edition of Drupal in history, with the highest number of active installs even today.

Some Backdrop leadership members were already involved with earlier versions of Drupal prior to the release of Drupal 7 on January 5th, 2011.  Many Backdrop community members made lasting and significant contributions to the wider Drupal 7 ecosystem.  All regarded the initial Drupal 7 EOL announcement in 2019 (and its subsequent deferrals in 2022 and 2023) with a sense of inevitability, and now that day has arrived.  

Backdrop CMS is based on a 2013 fork of Drupal.  Consequently, it is very similar to Drupal 7. With the EOL of Drupal 7 upon us, the Backdrop Project leadership team strongly encourages anyone still using Drupal 7 to consider Backdrop CMS as a viable way forward. Backdrop CMS is highly compatible with Drupal 7 and it will be supported for many years to come.

Backdrop CMS 1.30.0 will be released on January 15, 2025 at