The Backdrop community holds several recurring meetings on Thursdays.
Each meeting's agenda is drafted ahead of time and a link is posted in our Zulip chat channel and sometimes on @backdropcms twitter account 30 minutes before the start time of each meeting. Our Meetings are held on Zoom, and a link to join the meeting is posted into the agenda.
You are welcome to join any meeting, at any time. Every meeting has an open Q & A section at the end, where you can ask any questions you may have -- whether or not it is related to the topic at hand.
If you would prefer to watch the weekly meetings instead of actively participating, that's fine too! The meetings are live streamed on the Backdrop CMS YouTube account, and the videos are posted to YouTube immediately following each meeting.
All 3 links (read agenda, join meeting, watch livestream) will be posted into our Zulip live chat channel just before the start of each meeting.
Weekly developer meeting
This is a meeting where we discuss active development tasks for Backdrop the product, as well as all the Backdrop web properties (,,, and Thursdays, 7pm UTC (12:00pm – 3:00pm America/Los_Angeles).
Fortnightly design meeting
This is a meeting where we discuss active design and user-experience related tasks for Backdrop the product, as well as all the Backdrop web properties (,,, and Thursdays, 8pm UTC (1:00pm – 2:00pm America/Los_Angeles).
Fortnightly community meeting
This meeting is a cross between a podcast and discussion at Backdrop LIVE. We use this time every two weeks to talk about or demonstrate things happening in the BackdropCMS community of interest to the people who use Backdrop CMS. Topics such as: Ubercart, Module Showcase, Organic Groups, or Theming. Join us Thursdays, 8pm UTC (1:00pm – 2:00pm America/Los_Angeles).
Click on the time links to view the meeting times in your local timezone.
See our Google calendar for the complete meeting schedule or download the ics file: [iCal feed]
Weekly Office Hours
We now have a weekly Office Hour session. We help folks:
- Get started with Backdrop CMS.
- Upgrade their Drupal 7 site and modules to Backdrop.
- Contribute to Backdrop CMS.
- Anything else that pertains to Backdrop CMS!
Office hours are held on, and can be accessed at the following URI:
Office Hours 9.0
Office Hours 9 ran from August 2022 until October 2023. It has been paused due to lack on interest.
Office Hours 19.0
Our long-standing and regular Office Hours happens every Wednesday. Come join us!
Wednesdays 19:00 - 21:00 UTC (12:00pm – 2:00pm America/Los_Angeles)