User Guide
Read through a curated collection of online documentation, where you’ll find information on everything from installing Backdrop CMS for the first time to creating your own layouts, themes, and modules.
Live Chat
Drop in and say hi in Live chat with Zulip.
Backdrop Forum
Join the Backdrop Forum and exchange ideas with the rest of the community in the form of questions, answers, and discussions on any given topic.
Developer Documentation
The Documentation & API Website contains our list of public functions, hooks, and sub-system documentation. It also contains all the change records documenting differences between Drupal 7 and Backdrop.
Github Issue Queue
The Issue Queue is where all discussion happens around adding new features or fixing bugs. Backdrop also has a handful of other repositories and queues.
Browse the core Issue QueueBooks

by Todd Tomlinson

by Todd Tomlinson
Two great books by Todd Tomlinson, author of “Pro Drupal 7 Development”
Professional Services
Check out professional service providers for Hosting and Development for Backdrop CMS.
Social Media
Backdrop has an official BlueSky account at
Backdrop has an official Mastodon account at @backdropcms. []
Backdrop has an official Twitter account at @backdropcms.
Backdrop has an official Facebook page at
Backdrop has an official LinkedIn group at