The Backdrop CMS community uses a handful of tools for communication.

Live Chat

Backdrop has an official Zulip chat channel. Drop in and say hi at

Backdrop also has an unofficial Slack channel. Use this link to join.
Backdrop also has an unofficial IRC channel on at #backdrop.
Backdrop also has an unofficial Gitter channel at

Backdrop Forum

Discuss with the Backdrop community at the Backdrop CMS Community Forum.

Monthly Newsletter

To get news and updates about Backdrop delivered right to your inbox signup for our monthly newsletter.

Issue Queue: Github

The primary means of communication is the Backdrop Issue Queue, which is where all discussion happens around adding new features or fixing bugs. Backdrop also has a handful of other repositories and queues.

Developer Documentation

The Documentation & API Website contains our list of public functions, hooks, and sub-system documentation. It also contains all the change records documenting differences between Drupal 7 and Backdrop.

Office Hours

We hold Backdrop Office Hours every week on Wednesdays.

Connect via Zulip, and join us in a meeting.

  • Stop in with any question about Backdrop or Backdrop related topics
  • Connect with other Backdrop users, builders, coders.
  • Get connected, and work together.

Community Meetings

Backdrop has several recurring meetings on Thursdays/Fridays. These are open meetings that anyone can join; check out the Zulip chat room to get the link to join!

  • Core Developer meeting: weekly, at 9pm UTC
  • Design/UX meeting: fortnightly, at 8pm UTC
  • Community meeting/User Group: fortnightly, at 8pm UTC

The Design/UX and Community meetings alternate between each other each week. Use the links above to view the meeting times in your local timezone.

See our Google calendar for the schedule, or follow us on Twitter for links to the meting agendas, and information on how to join in.

We also organize Virtual User Group meetings as often as possible, to discuss topics that are of interest to the community. These do not have a specific schedule, but are announced well ahead of time in the events section.

Video archives: YouTube

All weekly meetings are recorded and published to our YouTube channel. This channel is also home to tutorial videos on contributing to and using Backdrop CMS. Here are a few playlists by category that may be useful:

All of our YouTube videos are automatically synchronised to our Odysee channel, if you prefer following us there instead.


Backdrop has an official Twitter account at @backdropcms.


Backdrop has an official Facebook page at


Backdrop has an official LinkedIn group at


Cover of Beginning Backdrop CMS
“Beginning Backdrop CMS”
by Todd Tomlinson
Cover of Migrating from Drupal to Backdrop
“Migrating from Drupal to Backdrop”
by Todd Tomlinson

Two great books by Todd Tomlinson, author of “Pro Drupal 7 Development”