Help wanted - finalizing Backdrop CMS 1.18.0

Backdrop CMS is just under a month away from our 19th on-time release, version 1.18.0. Every 4 months, we release a new version which brings with it new improvements and features to Backdrop CMS. Feature freeze is scheduled for Jan 1, 2021 (this may be adjusted for the holiday) and the release will be on Jan 15th. In the final weeks of each release cycle, there is a frenzy of activity and we try to get new improvements finalized and approved. 

Backdrop 1.4 released

The Backdrop CMS community is proud to announce our fifth software release: 1.4.0! The May 15, 2016 release date was right on time, following Backdrop's rolling release cycle. This release of Backdrop includes lots of exciting new features, including two new modules in core: Redirect and Project Installer!

Backdrop CMS 1.16.1 ~ 100th Release!

The Backdrop community is proud to announce our 100th release 1.16.1! 🎉

We've come along way and there are many enhancements from the v1.0.0 days of Backdrop. Many new features, new faces, and new initiatives. All and all we are a growing, learning, and thriving community. Have a quick glance at a fresh install of v.1.0.0 next to an install of 1.16.0.

Backdrop 1.13 Released

New Dashboard in Backdrop core

Backdrop CMS version 1.13 was released on May 15th, 2019. Feel free to take it for a spin! 😄

New features include:
* Dashboard
* Link attributes
* Translations in Content Blocks

Usability improvements include:
* vertical tabs on the taxonomy term edit form
* a new vertical tab for multilingual settings on content types

API Improvements include:
* PHP 7.3 support
* field_formatter_settings module included
* entity_access() function added

Backdrop 1.5 released

Backdrop 1.5 is a release packed with new features and an all-new out-of-box experience! A new default theme -- "Basis", drop-down menus, a homepage layout, demo content, and hero block provide a fresh take on the fundamentals of a modern day content management system.

Backdrop 1.18 Released!

The Backdrop community is proud to announce version 1.18 of Backdrop CMS, which was released on January 15, as scheduled. As part of our commitment to deliver the most usable product, the "minor" releases come out like clockwork, three times a year. This allows site maintainers to know when to expect updates, and they can plan accordingly. (See for more information on this)

Backdrop 1.6 released

Though Backdrop 1.6.0 may be considered a minor release, it is packed with new features that improve the powerful content management tools and lays the groundwork for comprehensive file and media management in future releases. 
