Here you'll find posts about both the software and the Backdrop community.

DrupalCon NA & Ambitious Digital Experiences

T-rex skeleton from the Lullabot / Pantheon Party held at the Baltimore Science Center

This year's DrupalCon North America may have been one of my favorites so far.  Baltimore was a wonderful city, the sessions I attended were incredibly inspiring, and the convention itself was extremely well-organized.  And, for the first time, I started to feel comfortable that Drupal 8 was finding its footing instead of being stuck in "wait-and-see mode." 

Contributed Modules for Backdrop CMS

A stack of Lego blocks.

One of the strengths of a good content management system is its ability to add on extra modules for additional functionality. In an open source environment, such as BackdropCMS, many developers share their contributions for the benefit of all, and some of these contributed modules become frequently used and a de facto solution to specific website needs.

Pantheon + Terminus + Drush + Backdrop CMS Development Workflow

Use case: Develop Backdrop sites and be able to continuously deploy patches, updates and features cleanly and easily on Pantheon. We, the Backdrop Community, hope to offer Backdrop local drush out of the box in the near future, but for now here are the steps to get you going on Pantheon, Terminus, Drush and Backdrop CMS right now!

Install Backdrop CMS with terminus:
