Front End Tooling for Backdrop CMS
Sharpening your tools is an important part of any developers life cycle and can help you deliver solid, maintainable sites using best practices, efficiently and on budget. The tools I'll discuss in this post:
Sharpening your tools is an important part of any developers life cycle and can help you deliver solid, maintainable sites using best practices, efficiently and on budget. The tools I'll discuss in this post:
If you've been holding back from using Backdrop because your site requires the popular and powerful CiviCRM, hold back no longer. You can now easily install CiviCRM on Backdrop, or migrate it from your Drupal 7/CiviCRM setup.
CiviCRM and Backdrop CMS, two projects who focus on helping non-profits, fit together quite nicely. You can now easily install CiviCRM on Backdrop and benefit from the robust Drupal-like architecture with an extra helping of the user-friendliness added by Backdrop.
Stardate 47634.44: We’ve encountered the Backdrop CMS, and found it to be the fastest way to make a flexible and modern website. Using the code and concepts we know from Drupal 7, it optimizes web development for 2016.
However, we are perplexed why our development workflows are still archaic and barbaric. To right this wrong, we must violate the Prime Directive and bring technology from the future.
Kalabox. Engage.