How do you contribute to the Backdrop project?
"I’ve had a great time working on the Backdrop Drush Extension which allows people to use Drush with Backdrop sites. Drush speeds up your development workflow :)
I contribute to backdropcms.org when I can updating docs on api.backdropcms.org pretty frequently, maintaining the Pantheon Backdrop upstream for Backdrop on Pantheon as well as the Backdrop Docker image."
Why are you working on/for/with Backdrop CMS?
"Backdrop first came up at our local Drupal Group Meetup in Western Massachusetts and we went around the room and shared what we knew about it. When I got home and checked my facts I had it about 50% correct … lol … So, in my fact checking and research I discovered the Backdrop Issue Queue and while perusing I said to myself, "I can solve that" and so I did, filed a PR and the rest is history."
What do you like about working with the community?
"I mean the community is where it is at. I love these people! Everyone is very supportive and encouraging. I certainly don’t know everything, but when I’m stuck I just ask and someone from the community is always willing to help."
Do you use Backdrop for/with your day-job?
"I work for Tandem, the makers of Kalabox, and I help support the Backdrop implementation and examples in that project. I’ve released one Backdrop site with my previous company: The Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography."
What do you like the most about Backdrop CMS?
"Flexibility. Views, content relations, taxonomies. Backdrop is about content."
Who do you envision being best served by Backdrop and why?
"I see Backdrop filling a marketspace between the brochureware websites built on WordPress or SquareSpace and very complex enterprise sites. So, if you have complex enough content and you need relationships you should consider Backdrop for your site.
To be fair I’ve developed very complex sites with D7 and you can do all that and more with Backdrop so really the sky's the limit!"
What do you like to do in your spare time?
"I love music and have been playing in bands since about the age of 15. My latest project is called the_understatements. I have a lovely wife and two kids and we all play string instruments!"
How can someone contact you if they have Backdrop questions?
"I have Backdrop Office Hours on Gitter every Wednesday from 4-5:00 PM EST as @serundeputy."