Config Recipes - A Possible Path Forward
(UPDATE on April 2, 2023 - See more recent post on this topic).
(UPDATE on April 2, 2023 - See more recent post on this topic).
The Best Practices badge is a way for Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects to show that they follow best practices.
The Backdrop community is proud to announce version 1.23 of Backdrop CMS, which was released on September 15th.
On the tails of 2015, I can only look back with pride at all our growing community has accomplished this past year.
We released Backdrop CMS almost one year ago and already we’ve had two successful new major releases, right on schedule. Those releases introduced some important new features like a rich-text editor in core, and some big user experience improvements like a new look to our administration theme.
If you have a few free minutes to spare, we'd love it if you could take our quick 7-question survey:
The PMC (Project Management Committee) for Backdrop CMS is currently considering a proposal to use formal Initiatives as a means of defining project priorities and focusing attention on important needs in the community. Sometime in the next couple of weeks, the Project Management Committee is expected to authorize an initial slate of 2-4 initiatives, with the potential for more at a later date.
This weekend Jen Lampton will be working with a group of high school students, in the Oakland area, on contributing to Backdrop CMS. In support of these efforts, we have decided to announce an informal Backdrop CMS contribution day. If you are a supporter of the Backdrop project and have been looking for an opportunity to contribute, Saturday would be a great opportunity to jump in and help us with a task, regardless of where you are.
We've made a change in how we schedule our weekly development, outreach, and design/ux meetings to better accommodate our international participants. Participants in the southern hemisphere were experiencing 4 time changes per year due to daylight savings with a total swing of 2 hours, while participants in the USA experienced consistent start times all year.