I am a dragon. I am a small and very friendly dragon. I love to snuggle, so much so that people often refer to me as a lap-dragon!

My name is Drop for three reasons. First, the most obvious, the word "drop" is contained within the word "backdrop". Second, since Backdrop CMS is avoiding water analogies and drop-shaped imagery (to avoid confusion with it's parent project, Drupal) my name is a way to safely give a small hat-tip to our 2nd favorite Open Source CMS. And third, "Dragon Drop" sounds an awful lot like "drag-and-drop", don't you think?

Just as the Drupal community has the Druplicon, the Backdrop community has ME! My dragon image belongs to the community as a whole, and can and should be adapted to suit any purpose. Change my color, my posture, add a hat or a t-shirt. Feel free to use me to represent your product, camp, company, or whatever else you like!
- I answer questions in the Backdrop Forum