Backdrop 1.18 Released!

The Backdrop community is proud to announce version 1.18 of Backdrop CMS, which was released on January 15, as scheduled. As part of our commitment to deliver the most usable product, the "minor" releases come out like clockwork, three times a year. This allows site maintainers to know when to expect updates, and they can plan accordingly. (See for more information on this)

OpenForce 2022 Update

Screen shot of list of OpenForce 2022 issues on Github

OpenForce 2022 participants should start with this blog post.

It's really been great to see all the OpenForce 2022 participants in our issue queue over the last two weeks. We have three issues that have been committed to Backdrop already, with two more that are already RTBC (ready to be committed), and quite a few that are under review or being worked on. 

Backdrop 1.6 released

Though Backdrop 1.6.0 may be considered a minor release, it is packed with new features that improve the powerful content management tools and lays the groundwork for comprehensive file and media management in future releases. 

What will happen in Backdrop 2.x?

The lifespan of Backdrop 1.x has been extended several times as the lifespan of Drupal 7 has been extended. Initially, our goal was for Backdrop 2.x to be released at least 2 years after the end of Drupal 7 support. Our hope was to give Drupal 7 site owners the time they need to both move to Backdrop, and prepare for the first Backdrop major version upgrade. 

Herb v/d Dool (@herbdool) Joins Backdrop CMS Core Committers!

Add herbdool to core committers

We're excited to have Herb v/d Dool (also known as simply @herbdool on GitHub) join the Backdrop CMS Core Committers team! During the tremendous effort put in by Herb during the Backdrop 1.11.0 release (and before), I noticed again and again how Herb was providing thoughtful, helpful feedback in the Backdrop issue queue. I took the suggestion to make him a core committer to the Backdrop PMC, who approved my suggestion unanimously.

Backdrop 1.28 released!

The Backdrop community is proud to announce the release of version 1.28 of Backdrop CMS! As part of our commitment to deliver the most usable product, "minor" releases come out three times a year, on a regular schedule. This allows site maintainers to know when to expect updates, and they can plan accordingly. (See for more information on this)
