10 Tips for a Better Editor Experience in Backdrop CMS

One of the things that we’ve worked hard to create in Backdrop CMS is an improved Editor experience. As a fork of Drupal 7, we inherited the power and flexibility of custom content types, fields, and views from Drupal. But, we also inherited some confusing user interfaces that sometimes frustrate and discourage site editors. While Backdrop CMS has implemented a number of changes that we think improve the editor experience, there is still a great deal of room for improvement. 

Layouts and their Paths

For people coming to Backdrop from Drupal 7 (and those starting Backdrop from scratch), layouts are often one of the most difficult new concepts to grasp. One of the challenging aspects can be figuring out (or setting) which URL(s) a given layout will be applied on. In this blog post, I’ll discuss some of the technical aspects of layouts that might help users build an overall “mental model” of how layouts work.

To start, let me point out some existing useful links relevant to layouts: