• Professional (silly) dad since December 2011!
  • ...trying to do that over a distance of 15.000km away since February 2014 :(
  • Honoured to be a member of the Project Management Committee of Backdrop CMS (also an active core contributor, a member of the Security Team, and the Bug Squad team ...among other things)
  • Excited to be part of Acquia
  • Proud (and lucky) to have been part of Salsa Digital and to have worked as a GovCMS App Support Engineer
Ways in which I contribute to Backdrop CMS: 
  • I write/update documentation for Backdrop CMS
  • I provide designs for Backdrop CMS (core or contrib)
  • I create/comment on issues for Backdrop CMS on GitHub (core or contrib)
  • I create Pull Requests against Backdrop CMS (core or contrib)
  • I review Pull Requests against Backdrop CMS (core or contrib)
  • I create/maintain modules for Backdrop CMS
  • I provide designs for backdropcms.org (or other Backdrop properties)
  • I create/comment on issues for backdropcms.org (or other Backdrop properties)
  • I create Pull Requests against backdropcms.org (or other Backdrop properties)
  • I review Pull Requests against backdropcms.org (or other Backdrop properties)
  • I give support in live chat, via Zulip, Gitter or IRC
  • I answer questions in the Backdrop Forum
  • I help mentor new contributors
  • I have made a financial donation to the Backdrop Foundation
Other contributions: 
I am a member of the Backdrop Project Management Committee, representing the (non-coder) site builders of the community. I like to learn as much as I can (as time permits), in order to better myself and be useful to others.