Colorbox - Moderately Critical - Cross Site Scripting - BACKDROP-SA-CONTRIB-2022-007

Feb 2nd, 2022
Security risk: 
Moderately Critical
Cross Site Scripting

The colorbox module is a light-weight, customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery that allows images or content can be displayed in a popup or modal "lightbox" above the current page.

Colorbox did not sufficiently sanitize urls, captions, or the title attribute in some situations.

This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that your site must have enabled the Colorbox feature to use captions, title attributes, and/or external URLs in order to have been at risk. Additionally, an attacker must have had access to an unsanitized text format, or a format that was otherwise adapted to allow the use of colorboxes.

Advisory ID: 
Versions affected: 
  • Colorbox module versions prior to 1.x-2.16.0

jQuery UI 1.13.0 included in Backdrop 1.21.0 - PSA-2022-001

Jan 19th, 2022
Security risk: 
Moderately Critical
Cross Site Scripting

There will be no additional Backdrop release today. The version of jQuery UI included in Backdrop CMS is up to date as of the latest Backdrop release, version 1.21.0, out January 15th, 2022.

Earlier versions of Backdrop core did not use the parts of the jQuery UI library that were affected by the following vulnerabilities. It is possible that they may still be exploitable with  contributed modules if they were to use those parts of the jQuery UI library. There are no known instances of this happening.

jQuery UI is a third-party library included in Backdrop CMS. This library was previously thought to be end-of-life.

Late in 2021, jQuery UI announced that they would be continuing development, and released a jQuery UI 1.13.0 version. As part of this 1.13.0 update, they disclosed the following security issues that may affect Backdrop sites that have not yet updated to 1.21.0:

Note: All other vulnerabilities that were previously unaddressed in the version of jQuery UI included in Drupal 7 do not effect any version of Backdrop CMS.

Versions affected: 
  • Backdrop Core 1.x.x versions prior to 1.21.0

Backdrop Core - Moderately critical - Cross Site Scripting - BACKDROP-SA-CORE-2021-006

Nov 18th, 2021
Security risk: 
Moderately Critical
  • Cross Site Scripting
  • Third Party Libraries

The Backdrop CMS project uses the CKEditor library for WYSIWYG editing. CKEditor has released a security update that impacts Backdrop, along with a hotfix for that update.

Vulnerabilities are possible if Backdrop is configured to allow use of the CKEditor library for Rich-Text editing. An attacker that can create or edit content (even without access to the Editor themselves) may be able to exploit one or more Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities to target other people who do have access to the Rich-Text Editor, including site admins with privileged access.

For more information, see CKEditor's security advisories.

Advisory ID: 
Versions affected: 
  • Backdrop Core 1.20.x versions prior to 1.20.2
  • Backdrop Core 1.19.x versions prior to 1.19.5

Backdrop versions 1.18 and prior do not receive security coverage.

Backdrop core - Moderately Critical - Third Party Libraries - BACKDROP-SA-CORE-2021-005

Aug 12th, 2021
Security risk: 
Moderately Critical
  • Cross Site Scripting
  • Third Party Libraries

The Backdrop project uses the CKEditor library for Rich-Text editing. CKEditor has released a security update that impacts Backdrop.

Vulnerabilities are possible if Backdrop remains configured to use the CKEditor library for Rich-Text editing. 

An attacker that can enter or edit content as formatted text (even without access to Rich-Text editor themselves) may be able to exploit one or more Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities to target other people who have permission to use the Rich-Text editor on the same content, including site admins with privileged access.

If you're using the fakeobjects CKEditor plugin (not included with core) you will also want to update this.

Advisory ID: 
Versions affected: 
  • Backdrop Core 1.19.x versions prior to 1.19.3
  • Backdrop Core 1.18.x versions prior to 1.18.7

Backdrop versions 1.17 and prior do not receive security coverage.

Backdrop core release on Thurs Aug 12, 2021 - PSA-2021-08-09

Aug 9th, 2021
Security risk: 
Moderately Critical
  • Third Party Libraries
  • To Be Announced

The Backdrop Security Team will be coordinating a security release for Backdrop 1.19 and 1.18 this week on Thursday, August 12, 2021

We are issuing this PSA in advance because August 12, 2021 is not a security window in the regular Drupal security release window schedule, and since we coordinate security releases with Drupal, there would not normally be any security release on this date.

The Backdrop core release will be made between 16:00 – 22:00 UTC (noon – 6:00pm EDT). It is rated as moderately critical and will be an update to a vendor library only.


Backdrop core - Critical - Third Party Libraries - BACKDROP-SA-CORE-2021-004

Jul 21st, 2021
Security risk: 
Third Party Libraries

The Backdrop project uses the pear Archive_Tar library, which has released a security update that impacts Backdrop.

The vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that Backdrop core's use of the Archive_Tar library is not vulnerable, as it does not permit symlinks. Backdrop also does not use Archive_Tar in normal operation of the site, but maintains it for compatibility with contrib modules and custom code.

Exploitation may be possible if contrib or custom code uses the library to extract tar archives (for example .tar, .tar.gz, .bz2, or .tlz) which come from a potentially untrusted source.

Advisory ID: 
Versions affected: 
  • Backdrop Core 1.19.x versions prior to 1.19.2
  • Backdrop Core 1.18.x versions prior to 1.18.6

Backdrop versions 1.17 and prior do not receive security coverage.

Backdrop core - Moderately critical - Cross Site Scripting - BACKDROP-SA-CORE-2021-003

May 26th, 2021
Security risk: 
Moderately Critical
Cross Site Scripting

Backdrop core uses the third-party CKEditor library. This library has an error in parsing HTML that could lead to an XSS attack.

Update: 2021-06-11: More details are available on CKEditor's blog.

Advisory ID: 
Versions affected: 
  • Backdrop Core 1.19.x versions prior to 1.19.1
  • Backdrop Core 1.18.x versions prior to 1.18.5

Backdrop versions 1.17 and prior do not receive security coverage.

Backdrop core - Critical - Cross-site scripting - BACKDROP-SA-CORE-2021-002

Apr 21st, 2021
Security risk: 
Cross Site Scripting

Backdrop core's sanitization API fails to properly filter cross-site scripting under certain circumstances. 

Not all sites and users are affected, but configuration changes to prevent the exploit might be impractical and will vary between sites. Therefore, we recommend all sites update to this release as soon as possible.

Advisory ID: 
Versions affected: 
  • Backdrop Core 1.18.x versions prior to 1.18.3
  • Backdrop Core 1.17.x versions prior to 1.17.7

Backdrop versions 1.16 and prior do not receive security coverage.

Backdrop core - Critical - Third-party libraries - BACKDROP-SA-CORE-2021-001

Jan 27th, 2021
Security risk: 
Third Party Libraries

The Backdrop project uses the pear Archive_Tar library, which has released a security update that impacts Backdrop. For more information please see:

Exploits may be possible if Backdrop is configured to allow .tar.tar.gz.bz2, or .tlz file uploads and processes them, or if the Installer module is enabled.

Advisory ID: 
Versions affected: 
  • Backdrop Core 1.18.x versions prior to 1.18.1
  • Backdrop Core 1.17.x versions prior to 1.17.6

Backdrop versions 1.16 and prior do not receive security coverage.

Corresponding security release for Drupal SA-CORE-2021-001 postponed

Jan 20th, 2021
Security risk: 
Third Party Libraries

There will be a security release of Backdrop 1.18.x, and 1.17.x on January 27th, 2021 between 19:00 - 23:00 UTC. Security release announcements will appear here, on the Backdrop security page. This release will not require a database update.

The PEAR Archive_Tar library included with Backdrop core released a security update earlier this month, CVE-2020-36193. The core update will patch the library to include this fix. This security release will correlate to Drupal security release SA-CORE-2021-001 issued on January 20th. 2021.

Because Backdrop issued its regularly scheduled minor release on January 15th, and based on the severity of these issues, the Backdrop Security Team has agreed to postpone this security release for one week.


Advisory ID: 
Versions affected: 
  • Backdrop Core 1.18.x versions prior to 1.18.1
  • Backdrop Core 1.17.x versions prior to 1.17.6

Backdrop versions 1.16 and prior do not receive security coverage.
