Do you have a Drupal 7 site that you would like to have on a supported platform?

In 2013 the Drupal project decided to change, replace, retire and/or augment many of the technologies that formed the basis of Drupal distributions, and by extension the sites that were built on top of them.  

Because of the difficulty of moving code to the new architecture, Drupal 7 sites have been very slow to migrate to new revisions. Drupal 8 was released in 2015, but seven years later there are still more Drupal 7 sites live on the web than there are sites built on top of the later versions:


In contrast to Drupal 8/9/10+, Backdrop is mostly based on the same architecture that underpinned versions of Drupal prior to D8, and migration is considerably easier.

Drupal 7 was originally scheduled to reach EOL two years ago, in November of 2021.  This deadline has been extended twice, and is currently set for November of 2023.  While there is speculation that this deadline will be extended again, there is no guarantee of that.

Many site owners choose to migrate the sites to Backdrop themselves, or using an in-house team.  The steps to do so are documented here:  Upgrading from Drupal 7

For various reasons (Lack of time, lack of in-house expertise, peace of mind) you may wish to engage an experienced Backdrop professional to handle the migration.  To make this easier, you can fill in the form below with some basic steps, which we will deliver to a group of firms that have knowledge of and availability to handle migrations.

contact information
the name of the site
the URL of the site
A description of the site that needs to be migrated
A description of the organization that owns the site
Hosting arrangements
Size metrics – number of nodes/entities, terms, users, files
Number of contributed modules
Number of custom modules
