Everybody eats. And at some point most of us cook...at least something. But when Dave talks with amateur chefs the conversations too often go right to what to cook, without spending anytime on how to cook.

For Dave, cooking is about technique. Sure, recipes are great, but they don't make great food: People do. His goal is to teach and show people how to cook, so they can take any set of ingredients and make something special. 

Sure, you’ll find recipes on this site. But rather than simple ingredients and procedures, Dave tries to highlight the techniques needed to create the best possible dish. And for the most part, he has created cooking videos and recipe videos that he can show, rather than just tell you what to do. As you read, watch and experiment, think about what you are learning, and where else you can apply that skill. To be an excellent cook, get to know the basic knowledge and master a few solid techniques, because truly, No Recipe is Required.

Why was Backdrop chosen for this project? 

This site was previously running smoothly on Drupal 7, but needed a facelift. Since the owner was about to invest heavily in a new look and feel, we felt it was the perfect time to do an upgrade. Since budget was limited, we stuck with a platform similar to Drupal 7, and bought a HTML theme from themeforest.