Animation Career Review was a successful website with high traffic built on Drupal 6. It was a leading search result for many topics relating to careers in animation, game development/design/art, graphic design, digital art, and related fields, and served it's purpose well.

Since Drupal 6 reached end-of-life, the operators of this site had been looking for a more modern platform to move to, and had been hoping to make the site more mobile friendly in the process.

It was very important for this site to keep all the same URLs for all it's articles after the transition, and also important for the editors to be able to continue update content using the same set of tools they had become accustomed to.

Why was Backdrop chosen for this project? 


  • Similar editorial tools (the same modules) as Drupal.
  • A better user experience than Drupal.
  • Faster page rendering than Drupal.
  • Possible to upgrade from Drupal.