DDEV is a local development environment for web developers. It originated within the company “Drud” in about 2016. Drud was building a general-purpose CLI for its infant web hosting product (named “DDEV-Live”, with the local dev tool named “DDEV-Local”), and the and was visionary enough to build local development into the idea. (Nobody really remembers what “DDEV” stands for, it might be “Docker development” or it might have been “Drud development”.)


innodus is a multidisciplinary consulting provider implementing technologies and publishing services, groupware, CRM, SEO and eCommerce, using open source development tools, on SMEs and professional services.

Freeform Solutions

Through the affordability of open source technology, we're helping not-for-profits operate more efficiently, develop new services, and increase the benefits they provide to their communities.

We build, support and maintain web sites and applications, using Backdrop CMS, Drupal, WordPress and CiviCRM.

LarsDesigns Information Systems Inc.

By using the magical combination of open source technologies and the powerful CMS, LarsDesigns Information Systems Inc. is able to produce the highest quality software applications and computer information systems, while maintaining a low cost of ownership.

We focus on quality and listen very carefully to the needs of our clients with an emphasis on pushing their aspirations forward. Remain free from vendor lock-in by choosing open source technologies.

Interactive Eagles

We are a small Australian company, just 2 of us, John in Melbourne Vic, and Irene in Denmark WA.

Between us we have many decades of web development work for small and larger organisations. We've worked with Drupal since 2004.

In 2017 we began recommending Backdrop CMS to some of our clients. We are greatly enjoying working with it. 

We have a number of long term ongoing projects being incrementally delivered in Backdrop CMS.

We can work from step one where the website is just a concept in your mind.

System Horizons Ltd

I help small to medium businesses and non-profit organisations get the data driven website they need powered by Backdrop CMS.  I can support you through the stages.


With over 7 years working as a Business Analyst on major public sector problems together with working with small businesses and non-profits in my spare time, I have the expertise to help you understand what is needed for your website or web application.


We are an Internet agency and consultancy based in Madrid, working since 2000 to deliver services to small and mid-sized companies around Europe. We have an extensive experience in content distribution, digital marketing, Internet technology, with an emphasis in open source solutions, and have been working as part of international teams since our formation.


alwaysdata is a modern platform to host all your services in one place: files, emails, sites, media, databases, workers, etc. On Public Cloud (from 0€) or on Private Cloud (managed servers), enjoy many benefits: automatic backups, automatically generated certificates (your website is instantly available over HTTPS), increased performance and security.

ChemiCloud Hosting

ChemiCloud was founded in 2016 with a mission to deliver hosting that puts people first. We leverage the very best technology and industry services and pair them with our world-class Support and Customer Service. The result is hosting that's simpler, more reliable, and fully managed by our in-house team. Come find out for yourself why 90% of customers never want to leave!
