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1.x-1.0.2 (11.31 KB) May 31st, 2021 Notes

This module provides a weight field that can be added to any fieldable entity.
The weight field can be used to provide customized sorting.

This module also provides a Views field handler that allows users with the appropriate permission
to rearrange the rows of a Views table (drag and drop) and save the new order.


  • Install this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions at
  • Add the weight field to an entity or content type.
  • Drag and drop (optional): To change the entity weights via the UI, create a Views table and add the Weight field (listed as FIELD_NAME selector).
    Add the Weight field for sorting for both the View with drag and drop, and any other View which will
    display the results. Ensure that the Views table's sort (in the table's Settings) is set to

Configuration options

  • Range: The range is set when adding a weight field to an entity. It defines
    that fields available weight range. For example, a range of 20 will allow
    you to select a weight between -20 and 20.


Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue:

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This project is GPL v2 software.
See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.