The Views Summarize module enables an extra display style which displays
summaries of the data in a column on the last row.


This module requires that the following modules are also enabled:



This module does not itself have configuration, but each Views display you
create that uses the Summarized table display style does. Add and configure the
fields you want to display, then click the "settings" link for the Summarized
table format.

On the popup form will be seven columns that relate to this module:

  • Summarize prefix: One or more characters to display before the summary, like a
    currency symbol
  • Summarize: Specify which summary handler to use for the field
  • Include empty values: Check this box for each summary (e.g., Average) where
    any empty fields are to be taken into consideration (values like 0 are always
    included, this only affects values that are not set)
  • Summarize suffix: One or more characters to display after the summary, like a
    currency abbreviation
  • Summary thousands separator: The character to use as a thousand separator
  • Summary decimal separator: The character to use as a thousand separator
  • Summarize precision: The number of characters to place after the decimal

Also on that form, toward the bottom of the form, are these settings:

  • Views Summarize: Display the summary row only: If checked, only the summary
    row will be displayed. You must also specify the "Display the summary below
    the data" option.
  • Views Summarize: Display the summary above the data: If checked, the summary
    row will be displayed above the other rows. If the "Display only the summary
    row" option above is selected, this summary will not be displayed.
  • Views Summarize: Display the summary below the data: If checked, the summary
    row will be displayed below the other rows.


It is possible to extend this module by specifying your own summaries.

  1. Implement hook_views_summarize_handlers() to add your summary to the list of
    possible handlers.
  2. Implement hook_theme() to specify the function to use to theme the summary.
  3. Create your theme function to create the output.

Here is example code that could be placed in a .module file to add a summary
that totals the records and displays the total as hours and minutes:


 * @file
 * Demonstrates adding a summery for Views Summarize to use.

 * Implements hook_views_summarize_handlers().
function my_module_views_summarize_handlers() {
  return array(
    'my_module_views_summarize_hours_min' => t('Hours and Minutes'),

 * Implements hook_theme().
function my_module_theme() {
  return array(
    'my_module_views_summarize_hours_min' => array(
      'variables' => array('data' => array()),

 * Themes data as hours and minutes.
function theme_my_module_views_summarize_hours_min($variables) {
  $data = $variables['data'];
  return '<div class="label">' . format_interval(array_sum($data),2) . '</div>';

Current Maintainers



This project is GPL v2 software.
See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.