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Backdrop port of Views Photo Grid module for Drupal

About this module

This module adds a responsive photo grid display style to Views. The photo grid style arranges photos such that the height in each row is consistent, and the photos always fill up all the available width.

The photo grid adopts the arranging algorithm of jQuery Sortable Photos. Try a demo here:


  • This module has no requirements yet.


  • Install this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions at

  • Create a view, and select 'Photo grid' as the format.

  • In the 'fields' section of the view configuration, add the image field you would like the grid to display. Remove all other fields. Note that the photo grid can only display one field for each node.

  • Optional: Configure the size of the padding in the view format settings.


Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue:

Current Maintainers

  • Seeking maintainers.


  • Ported to Backdrop by djzwerg
  • Originally developed for Drupal by glekli


This project is GNU GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.