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The User Reference URL Widget module adds a new widget to the User Reference
field type. It auto-populates a user reference field with a value from the URL,
and does not allow this value to be changed once set.


  • User Reference (part of References)


Installing the Node Reference URL Widget is simple:

  1. Install this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions at
  2. Enable the module using Administer -> Functionality (admin/modules).
  3. Add or edit a Node Reference field from admin/structure/types/manage/[type]/fields.
    When configuring the field, use the "Reference from URL" option.
  4. Follow on-screen help text to configure your Node Reference URL Widget.

Advanced: Build your own links

Normally you can prepopulate a User Reference URL widget simply by creating a
link with the following structure:

<a href="/node/add/story/10">Add a story</a>

Or in PHP code:
<a href="<?php print url('node/add/story/' . $user->uid); ?>">Add a story</a>

However if using multiple Node Reference fields, you can populate them by
using a query string instead of embedding the IDs directly in the URL. Assuming
you had two fields, named "field_ref_a" and "field_ref_b", the URL to
prepopulate both of them at the same time would look like this:

<a href="/node/add/story?ref_a=10&ref_b=20">Add a story</a>

Or in PHP code:
<a href="<?php print url('node/add/story', array('query' => array('ref_a' => $uid1, 'ref_b' => $uid2))); ?>">Add a story</a>

Advanced: Support for non-standard URLs

By default User Reference URL Widget will only work with node form paths that
match the standard Drupal or Backdrop install: "node/add/%type", where %type is a node type
like "blog" or "story". If you want to use User Reference URL Widget on
non-standard URLs, you may do so by informing User Reference URL Widget of these
special paths.

To do so, add additional paths to your settings.php with the following code:

$conf['userreference_url_paths'] = array(

Only two tokens are supported:
%type: The node type that will be created.
%uid: The node ID that will be referenced.

The % wildcard may be used when including other dynamic IDs.

In the above example, Node Reference URL Widget will work at either
"node/add/story/2" or "node/1/add/story/2", where "2" is the user ID being
referenced. Important to note: The first URL will be used in the links that User
Reference URL Widget provides. If needing advanced configuration of links, look
into the Custom Links module:


If you experience a problem with this module or have a problem, file a
request or issue in the Node Reference URL Widget queue at
Posting in the issue queues is a direct line of communication with the module


This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.

Current Maintainers

Leonid Kolesnik (


Ported to Backdrop by kleomash