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Provides a block to display token replacements for referenced entities.


  • Edit any layout that has an entity as context (e.g. a layout with path node/%, or a layout that has specific contexts such as node or user, or relationships such as "Author of content")
  • In the "Add block" dialog, you will see a list of Token blocks that reference the available entities, such as "Tokens for node entities" or "Tokens for user account entities."
  • Select the block you want to add to the layout
  • In the "Block content" field, type any text and insert tokens in the usual format, for example, [node:title] or [node:author:name]

Please notice that adding inexistent tokens will not create a replacement. For example, if you selected "Tokens for node entities" and then add [user:mail], this token will not be replaced, as it refers to user entities, not the available node entity.

You may use chained tokens such as [node:author:mail].

As of version 1.x-1.0.3, the block title also accepts tokens.

Related modules

A related module that provides similar (but somewhat less flexible) functionality is Node Property Block, which allows administrators to display node fields like title, author, creation date, etc.



This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for
complete text.

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