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TinyMCE plugin to insert a new paragraph after block level elements.

When you have block elements like tables, div, blockquote... directly following
each other in content, it can be tricky to "squeeze" in other content. TinyMCE
does provide options to do so, but that's not always the same (downwards arrow
at the end of table, double enter inside blockquote). Not always easy to
remember. Sometimes it's even impossible (like in nested div or in address tags).

In this case, this plugin comes to the rescue.

Button icon of this plugin

Hit the button and keep on writing. ;-)


  • Install this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions
  • Add the plugin and toolbar button (or menu item) to your editor profile


Bugs and feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue

Current Maintainers


This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.