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Token Content Access allows you to restrict access to individual nodes using
URL tokens. In order to view protected nodes, users must provide a unique token
via the URL.

This allows nodes to be published and viewable to anonymous users (for
instance with a special link from an email campaign) but not visible to the
public at large. It also automatically hides any TCA-protected content from
Views results.

The module has API to open this ability to other entities such as taxonomy
terms, users, files and others. See the included tca_node submodule.

This module is designed with performance in mind, so it doesn't use traditional
solutions like node grants. This also means that it's not guaranteed to block
access in all situations, for instance, if you expose node content via means
other than Views.



Configurable per Content Type on the "Token Content Access settings" tab. To
enable, just pick "Enable Token Content Access protection" for needed content
type and then you will see "Token Content Access settings" tab on the
individual node editing page.


Bugs and Feature Requests should be reported in the Issue Queue:

Current Maintainers



This project is GPL v2 software.
See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.