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Toggle the active trail of menus with taxonomy term items based on terms attached
to content. Also sets the active breadcrumb trail.

Plays nicely with
Taxonomy Menu, but that
module's not required.

You need this module if you have a nested menu tree with taxonomy terms, e.g.:

    Term 1
        Term 1-1
    Term 2
        Term 2-1

And you have a node referring to the term in menu. For example, node refers to the Term 1-1.
On the node page you'll see only the first level of menu, because the node itself doesn't
have a menu item and the menu becomes collapsed:

    Term 1
    Term 2

The module solves this problem, so the menu will be expanded to display the term referred by current node:

    Term 1
        Term 1-1
    Term 2


Quick start

Configure the module for each node type you want to expand the menu:

  • Attach a term reference field to your node type (if not yet)
  • Go to the node type settings page
  • Switch to "Taxonomy Menu Trails" vertical tab
  • Configure and save preferences


Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the
Issue Queue

Current Maintainers

  • Minimally maintained by Indigoxela
  • Additional maintainers welcome!



This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.