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1.x-1.0.1 (10.13 KB) Sep 4th, 2016 Notes

This module enables "placeholder" and "separator" menu items.

A placeholder is a menu item which is actually not a link. Something like
this is useful with drop down menus where the goal is to have a parent link
which is actually not linking to a page, but which is just acting as a parent,
grouping some children below it.

A separator menu item is something like "------" which is also not linked
to anything but is merely a way to structure menus.

This module depends on the core Menu module.


Configuration and Usage

  • Configure settings at Administration > System > Special Menu Items

  • A user can create a new menu item and select the menu item type from the
    following options:

    • Path -- a regular title/path combo menu item.
    • Text with no link -- a title with no path/link (aka <nolink>).
    • Separator -- a separator with no text or path/link (aka <separator>).
  • When the menu is rendered any <nolink> item will show similarly to a
    normal menu link item, but there will be no link added to the title. You
    can change the HTML tag used for the menu item in the module configuration.

  • When the menu is rendered any <separator> item will show as an item
    which has no link, and the default title will be "-------". You
    can change the HTML tag and title used for the menu item in the module

  • A nolink CSS class is added to <nolink> menu items.

  • A separator CSS class is added to <separator> menu items.

  • View and edit more instructions in the


Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the
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This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for
complete text.