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The main purpose of the Simple Clean Theme is for it to be simple to get a
clean simple site up and running in no time. Just install and follow the
step-by-step guide and your simple but still good looking clean website is
running within the hour.

Simple Clean is optimized for a width 960px. Recommended for use with the
Moscone layout: a content column and a right sidebar.


This theme is a sub-theme of the Drupal 7 compatible theme:


  1. Install this theme as usual, using the official Backdrop CMS instructions at
  2. Enable and make Simple Clean default (admin/appearance)
  3. Edit site information (admin/config/system/site-information)
  4. Add links to the main menu (admin/structure/menu/manage/main-menu/add)

If you want user pictures or signatures:

  1. Enable user pictures and/or signatures (admin/config/people/accounts)
  2. For Default picture use: /sites/all/themes/simpleclean/images/no-pic.png
  3. Make user pictures in posts and/or user pictures in comments are enabled in theme settings (admin/appearance/settings/simpleclean)

If you want search for your site:

  1. Edit search settings (admin/config/search/settings)
  2. Set permissions for search module (admin/people/permissions)
  3. Run cron to update the search index.


Bugs and feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue.

Current Maintainers



This project is GPL v2 software.
See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.