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Search API Pages

This module allows you to create simple search pages and search blocks for
searching in your Search API indexes, similar to the core Search functionality.


  • Install this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions at

  • As the only pre-requisite you will need the Search API [1] module enabled and
    correctly set up, as well as the Entity Plus [2] module enabled, along with at
    least one service class. Create a server and an index (or use the default one)
    and configure them according to your needs.


  • Go to admin/config/search/search_api/page on your site (Administration »
    Configuration » Search and metadata » Search API » Search pages) where you can
    add a search page for your index.


Additional documentation is located here:


  • Pager not displayed
    It can sometimes happen in specific setups, that even though your search
    returns more results than appear on the page, no pager is displayed for
    browsing the other results. This will most likely be due to a second pager
    being displayed somewhere on the page, which Drupal cannot handle without some
    additional configuration. To fix this problem, locate the other pager (the one
    being displayed) on the page and attempt to change the pager element it uses.
    E.g., for Views you can change the element by going to the configuration of
    the view in question, open the pager settings and set the "Pager ID" to 1 or
    greater. This should fix the problems with the pager.
    See [2] for details, and for help if the other pager doesn't come from Views.


  • Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue:

Current Maintainers



This project is GPL v2 software.
See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.