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Save Draft replaces the default "Save" button on the content creation page and
removes the "Published" checkbox under "Publishing options". Instead it presents
a "Publish" button and a "Save Draft" button for the same functionality with
improved usability. "Publish" will save in published form and "Save as Draft"
will save in unpublished form with a single click.

Save Draft

You also have the option to allow drafts to be saved even if required fields
are not filled in.



After enabling the module:

  • By default once you have enabled the module, the "Save Draft" button will
    be activated on all content types and the "Skip Required Fields" functionality
    will not be turned on.

  • To adjust the default settings, simply edit a content type and look under
    "Publishing options" for the "Save Draft" settings:

    Save Draft - Content type settings


If your module adds a button to the node form module and you are using the
"Skip required validation" option you can allow your button to also skip
required validation by adding the #skip_required_validation property to your
button. For example, if you are adding a button 'my_button' to the form actions
you would add this property also:
$form['actions']['my_button']['#skip_required_validation'] = TRUE;


Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the
Issue Queue

Current Maintainers


  • Ported to Backdrop CMS by Laryn Kragt Bakker -
  • Current and past maintainers for the Drupal module: Pravin Ajaaz, ArunSelva,
    Yorirou, JulienD, valderama, ksenzee, danjukes. Support for the Drupal
    module is also provided by Young Globes.


This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt
file in this directory for complete text.