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This module provides Rules plugins for conditionally altering execution flow
directly inside a group of actions. Provided plugins include:

  • Conditional
    • If/(Else) If
    • Else
  • Switch
    • Case
    • Default case
  • While

Using these plugins, rules with relatively easy-to-read flows can be built without
creating numerous trivial components (with conditions) merely for branching actions.
This module also provides a condition set (rule), which evaluates as a condition
based on results from a set of actions. This is useful if a condition set
requires the results from a rule component.

Note that for elements with a condition (i.e. "if" and "while"), only a simple
condition can be configured. It is recommended that complex conditions be
constructed as a condition set and then used in the condition elements.


  • Rules



Bugs and feature requests should be reported in the
issue queue.



Drupal maintainers:


This project is GPL v2 software.
See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.