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The Role Help module allows a site administrator (with the 'administer access
control' permission) to set a summary and help text for each role.

The role help text may be shown to users on a tab in their user account. Only
the role descriptions that a user has access to are shown.

The summaries are shown in the role admin page and in forms that show role

Important notes for Backdrop version 1.24.0+

Beginning with version 1.24.0, Backdrop includes some of the functionality of Role Help, specifically, adding help text to role descriptions (see the change log for details). Although Role Help 1.0.x will not break the website with this version of Backdrop, there will be some confusing conflicts on some forms and pages. Users of Role Help should upgrade to Role Help 1.1.0 with Backdrop versions 1.24.0 and above.

Role Help 1.1.x+ will still provide pages at

  • admin/people/role-help
  • user/N/roles

If you don't want or need those pages, you can disable and uninstall Role Help module, but should do so only after upgrading Backdrop to 1.24.x.

The "Detailed help text" field is specific to Role Help, and will only be shown on the pages provided by Role Help module.


  • Install this module using the official Backdrop CMS instruction.

  • Visit the Roles configuration page under Administration > Configuration >
    User Accounts > Roles (admin/config/people/roles). For each role, select
    Configure Role and enter the admin description, help text, and detailed help text for the role.

  • Also on the Roles configuration page, choose the "Detailed help text" format.

Differences from Drupal 7

  • The Role Help settings admin page has gone away because all settings are in
    or accessible from the Role settings page (admin/config/people/roles).

  • The D7 version of Role Help provided a list of all roles visible to the user
    at help/roles. Backdrop has dropped the Help menu and path. So instead, this
    module optionally provides a list of all roles for administrators at
    admin/people/roles and provides a list of the user's roles at user/%user/roles.


Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue.

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See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.