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Replicate Paragraphs extends the Replicate module to manage the cloning of
paragraphs_item entities and fields.



  • Replicate
  • Paragraphs

Configuration and Usage

When you clone an entity (node, taxonomy term, ...) containing a
paragraphs reference, the paragraphs items are not duplicated,
and the cloned entity still references the same paragraphs than
the original entity.
This poses great issues as any modification on the paragraphs will impact
all the duplicated entities.

Replicate Paragraphs corrects that behavior and implements a clean
duplication of paragraphs.
The replication is recursive, ie. will work on paragraphs containing
paragraphs and so on.

More details may be found (or added) in the Wiki.


Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue.

Current Maintainers



This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for
complete text.