This is a basic theme built with mini.css ver.3.0.1 - minimal, responsive, style-agnostic CSS framework.
- select one from a few pre-built color schemes (or "flavors") available out of the box;
- ability to make your site's header and/or footer sticky;
- select which one of menus will be used for main site navigation;
- change breadcrumbs divider to any symbol or HTML entity code;
- use framework's files from this theme directly or via fast CDN (Content Delivery Network);
- enable and disable theme debugging without need to use "Devel" module;
- displays the administration bar always at the top of the browser viewport.
This theme provide two minimally customised templates for layouts used in default Backdrop setup:
"Boxton" for home page and "Moscone Flipped" for internal pages.
May be extended for another layouts by adding your own templates as need.
This theme can be used as base theme for your own sub-theme.
Sub-theme gets its own settings page automatically.
File css/custom.css
is intended for your styles tuning without subtheming - you can edit this
file as you need, but remember to backup this file in case of theme upgrade.
Install this theme using the official Backdrop CMS instructions at https://backdropcms.org/guide/themes
Settings page located at admin/appearance/settings/minicss, where you may change any theme settings.
For sub-theme settings you need visit admin/appearance/settings/sub-theme_name, inspect and save subtheme settings.
For bug reports, feature or support requests, please use the theme
issue queue at https://github.com/backdrop-contrib/minicss/issues.
Current Maintainer
Vladimir (https://github.com/findlabnet/)
Original CSS framework by Angelos Chalaris (https://github.com/Chalarangelo/mini.css)
This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for
complete text.
Please note: CSS framework mini.css is licensed under MIT License.
See the LICENSE file in the css/dist