Recommended releases

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This module adds the ability for site admins to add "Markup" widgets to the
form. These essentially let designers of content-types insert additional
markup into the node/edit form to display to content-authors. This is the
equivalent of adding additional elements to $form of the type '#markup'.

Please, offer feedback and ideas in the issue queue.

Pull Requests are welcome.


We ran this module through coder upgrade and it worked pretty much as it was.
We are removing the "alpha" status as no problems have been reported.

We have not written the upgrade hooks for Drupal - Backdrop upgrades.
Please, open an issue in the issue queue if you think these are needed.


Install this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions at

Current maintainers


  • Originally created for Drupal by: bcostlow
  • Ported to Backdrop by: mhasan3


This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.