
In order to use the mandrill_template module, start by creating some templates
in your Mandrill account. Once you do, you can add one or more Mandrill
Template Maps for that template, specifying where in the template to place
the email content and which module/key pair should be sent using the template.
If you want to send multiple module/key pairs through the same Template, you
can make Mandrill the default mail system and make that Template Map the
default template, or you can clone the Template Map for each module/key pair
and assign them individually.

You should also consider enabling the css-inline feature in your Mandrill
account under Settings -> Sending Options. For more info, see


The mandrill_reports sub-module provides reports on various metrics. It may
take a long time to load. This module is due for some attention.


Displays charts that show volume and engagement, along with a tabular list of
URL interactions for the past 30 days.

Account Summary

Shows account information, quotas, and all-time usage stats.


The Mandrill Activity sub-modules allows users to view email activity for any
Backdrop entity with a valid email address. Configuration and usage details are in
sub-module's README file.

Advanced Options

If you would like to use additional template (or other) Mandrill API
variables not implemented in this module, set them in hook_mail_alter under:
$params['mandrill']. Have a look at mandrill.mail.inc to learn more.
(Search for "mandrill parameters".)

If your Backdrop installation uses a .make file, see the example in mandrill.make.example.

Please Read:
If you are using the mandrill_templates sub-module to send html emails, you may see your emails displaying poorly on web-based email clients like gmail. It's important to enable Mandrill's CSS-inlining functionality to mitigate this issue.


This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.


This module is based on the Mandrill module for Drupal, originally written and maintained by a large number of contributors, including:


  • seeking

Ported to Backdrop by: