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Provides a caption text area for image fields.




  • Configuration is done on a per field basis.
  • Add a new image field to a content type, or use an existing image field and
    configure it to show the caption elements.
  • Add or edit a node or any other entity with an image field
  • Go to the image field on the entity form
  • Enter text into the caption text area and choose format
  • Save the entity
  • View the entity to see your image field caption

Caption Theme:
By default, an image field's caption will be rendered below the image. To
customize the image caption display, copy the image_field_caption.tpl.php file
to your theme's directory and adjust the html for your needs. Flush Drupal's
theme registry cache to have it recognize your theme's new file:


Caption CSS:

To make changes to the caption css, use this CSS selector:

blockquote.image-field-caption { /* add custom css here */ }


Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue:

Current Maintainers



This project is GPL v2 software.
See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.