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The Gallery Recipe enables you to build image galleries by creating content
items of type "Gallery".

This module is still in an experimental state and not ready for production.


If you install the recipe with the Project browser, Backdrop will install
the required modules as well.

In case you already use Colorbox: The recipe will change its 'Style' from
"Default" to "Plain (mainly for images)". You can adjust the style in the
Colorbox settings (Configuration > Media > Colorbox).


Install and enable this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions at

Disabling and uninstalling this module will not delete the configuration that
the recipe provides. If you no longer wish to keep the recipes functionality,
you will need to remove it manually.


Before you start, go to the content type configuration (Structure > Content
types > Gallery), have a look at the Permissions and adjust them if necessary.

To build an image gallery, create a Gallery content item (Content > Add
content > Gallery), add a Title and some Images, and save the item.

Additional documentation might be added in the Wiki:


Bugs and Feature Requests should be reported in the Issue Queue:

Current Maintainers



This project is GPL v2 software.
See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.