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Carousels, slideshows and galleries for fields and views, utilizing Flickity.

Ships with two field formatters and two views style plugins.
Flick, swipe, click through your content, also supports keyboard navigation.


Field formatters:

For multi-value fields of supported field types.
These field formatters also play nicely with Layout field blocks and Paragraphs.

Flickity gallery


Create lovely image galleries with thumbnail navigation from any multi-value
image field within minutes.

Supported field type: image

Flickity carousel


Rotating banners from image or long text fields, swipe through photos or
chapters of text. With several settings to tweak.

Supported field types: image, text_long

Views styles:

For views pages, blocks and attachments. Select the desired style in the "Format" section.
You'll usually want to turn the (default) views pager off (uncheck "Use a pager").

Flickity carousel with sidebar

carousel with sidebar

Showcase news or products in a compact, yet eye catching way. Anything you can
build from nodes, user accounts, or any kind of views fields.
With automatic button navigation sidebar.

Flickity carousel

carousel in views

The most flexible one, anything you can build with views, even thumbnail or text
navigations, if using Flickity carousel as attachment of a Flickity carousel.
With several settings to tweak.


Install this module using the official
Backdrop CMS instructions


  • image (core)


Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the
Issue Queue

Current Maintainers


Bundles Flickity, a versatile, yet
compact JavaScript library for touch enabled, responsive, flickable carousels.
Flickity is licensed under GPLv3 and maintained on GitHub by Metafizzy 🌈🐻.


This project is GPLv3 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.