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Feeds Tamper provides a small plugin architecture for Feeds to modify data
before it gets saved. Several plugins are available by default and are described
in the examples section below. Additional plugins can be added in separate
modules or through the issue queue.

A full list of plugins
Contributed plugins

Creating new plugins is easy, see the developer docs.


  • Feeds


  • Place it in the modules directory for your site and enable it on the
    admin/modules page.
  • Enable the Feeds Tamper Admin UI module to be able to configure tampers in
    the UI.


Enable the modules Feeds Tamper and Feeds Tamper Admin UI. Next, configure the
plugins you want to use to modify Feeds data before it gets saved. Each Feeds
import mapping can be manipulated individually.

Once Feeds Tamper is enabled, the list of available Feeds importers
(admin/structure/feeds) displays a "Tamper" configuration link for each


  • Replace every instance of 'dog' with 'cat'.
  • Filter items based on keywords or vocabularies.
  • Make every letter uppercase, lowercase, or capitalize every first letter.
  • Break a comma separated list of words into Taxonomy terms or
    a multivalued text field.
  • Combine separate 'firstname' and 'lastname' fields into one 'name' field.
  • Convert urls from relative to absolute.
  • See the full list.
  • Incredibly simple plugin architecture allowing you to do almost anything
    to Feeds' data. This comes with simple configuration and exportability
    (i.e. Features.)


Check out the documentation.


This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.



Ported to Backdrop by Herb v/d Dool and Laryn.

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