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1.x-2.0.0 (13.07 KB) Aug 14th, 2019 Notes

This module allows you to control the length and format of generated content
for text and long text fields. This only applies to generation of node content
for now.


  • Install as normal
  • After enabling you will find additional settings at the bottom of the
    "Devel Generate > Generate content" form.


Two new fields will be added to the bottom of the
"Devel Generate > Generate content" form:

Prefix for title values

If set, this value will be prepended to the auto-generated node title.

Text field settings

Controls the length and format of generated content for text and long text fields.

  • Configure one field per line
  • If the min and max are the same, that exact value will be used
  • Set the fifth parameter to "true" to use title formatting (capital words, no punctuation) - only works with char and word counts
  • Format: field_machine_name, count_type, min, max, treat_as_title

Examples: (for Text field settings)

Between 100 and 250 characters, with sentences:

field_blog_preview, char, 100, 250

Between 3 and 7 words, no sentences, all words start with capital letter:

field_program_name, word, 3, 7, true

One paragraph, with sentences:

body, para, 1, 1


This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for
complete text.


This module is seeking maintainers.

Originally written for Drupal by

Ported to Backdrop CMS by