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Contact Us Form - Using Webform Module

The contact module provided by core does not keep a record of data
in the database. If you use the Webform module to create your contact
form, all previous data will be stored in database and it retreivable.


  • Webform Module


  • This recipe can be found in the Recipes package on the modules
    page (admin/modules/list).

  • Install this like any other module using the official Backdrop CMS
    instructions at

  • Disabling and uninstalling this module will not delete any of the
    configuration that this module provides, but will disable any CSS
    files that came with the recipe.

Uninstall or Upgrate Options

It is not currently possible to uninstall or upgrade recipes.
If you no longer wish to keep this functionality, you will need
to remove the items added by the recipes manually.

Current Maintainers



This project is GPL v2 software.
See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.