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1.x-2.5.1 (13.03 KB) Jul 31st, 2022 Notes

This module is a port to Backdrop of the Drupal contributed module 'Commentsblock'.
It puts the comments and the comment form from a module into a block which can then be placed
in a different location within a layout.

There are options to suppress display of the 'add new comment' button from within the node, and
also to stop comments being shown to users who are not able to comment themselves.


Install this module in the usual way.
It will add its admin page 'Comments block' to the configuration menu under 'User interface'.
Choose whether you want just the comments form to appear, or the comments as well.

In the relevant layout add the new 'Comment form block' to wherever you want it to appear
and set the conditions so that it only appears on required nodes.

Finally, edit your node settings so that 'Comment settings' is 'open'.

IMPORTANT: in that relevant layout, you may want to remove the Main page content block,
since the "Main page content" block at the moment will also display the comment list and the comment form (you'll end up with duplicate comment list and form).
Instead, you want to show only specific node fields such as Body in that area of the layout.


This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.

Current Maintainers

For Drupal

Isolesen ; marcoka

Port to Backdrop

Graham Oliver


This port to Backdrop would not, of course, be possible without all the work done by the developers
and maintainers of the Drupal module.