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1.x-1.1.1 (172.92 KB) Aug 21st, 2015 Notes

A light-weight, customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery 1.4.3+. Iframed or
inline images or content can be displayed in a popup or modal "lightbox" above
the current page.

The Colorbox module:

  • Excellent integration with Image fields and Image styles
  • Choose between a default style and 5 example styles that are included.
  • Style the Colorbox with a custom colorbox.css file in your theme.

The Colorbox plugin:

  • Supports photos, grouping, slideshow, ajax, inline, and iframed content.
  • Appearance is controlled through CSS so it can be restyled.
  • Preloads upcoming images in a photo group.
  • Completely unobtrusive, options are set in the JS and require no changes to existing HTML.
  • Released under the MIT License.

Colorbox -


  • Install this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions at

  • Configure your image fields or views to display images in colorboxes.

  • (Optional) Visit the configuration page under Administration > Configuration >
    Media > Colorbox (admin/config/media/colorbox) and configure as necessary.

Differences from Drupal

  • If you would like to use HTML tags in colorbox captions, you will need to enable
    the new setting Allow HTML in Colorbox captions. This configuration will use
    the DOMpurify library for sanitization. Please note: The DOMpurify library
    has several dependencies with security issues.
    It is unknown whether the
    colorbox use of DOMpurify could introduce a vulnerablity to your site. For
    this reason it is recommend to leave this setting disabled.
  • The Backdrop version of Colorbox module does not require that you download or
    install the Color library separately.
  • The Backdrop version of Colorbox module does not require that you download or
    install the DomPurify library separately.

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