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Use Backdrop's cron to call CiviCRM's cron.

Note: CiviCRM's cron can (and in most cases should) be called directly from the
command line, but this is a simple way to define the user, pass, and sitekey
used in the CiviCRM url and call CiviCRM's cron when it's not possible or
convenient to configure CiviCRM's cron.


Configuration and Usage

  • Make sure CiviCRM is installed.
  • Visit admin/config/civicrm/civicrm-cron and verify the site key.
  • If you are using CiviMail, you will need to set up a cron user with
    a higher level of permission to run cron. Set up a user with the following
    permissions: view all contacts, access CiviCRM, and access CiviMail.
    Add this username and password on the configuration page in the "CiviMail
    Settings" section.

More details may be found (or added) in the Wiki


Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue

Current Maintainers



This project is GPL-2.0 (or later) software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for
complete text.