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Avatar automatically generates unique pictures for user accounts. This is useful
for community sites, like forums, where you want to visually differentiate users
from each other, but still have a consistent look throughout.

Avatars can either be generated for all users automatically, or used as a
fallback for when users don't upload their own, custom pictures. There are
multiple avatar types to choose from, and you can decide whether they're
generated based off the user's username, email address, or user ID.


  • Install this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions at

  • Visit the Account Settings page under Administration > Configuration > User
    Accounts (admin/config/people/settings), enable User Pictures, then choose
    whether avatars will be generated for all users, or only as a fallback.

  • Visit the configuration page under Administration > Configuration > User
    Accounts > Avatar Settings (admin/config/people/avatar) to choose the avatar
    type and other various options.

  • Optionally, enable the Avatar Attribution block to display a link to the
    website that generates your avatars. See for details.


Bugs and Feature Requests should be reported in the Issue Queue:

Current Maintainers

  • Seeking maintainer(s)



This project is GPL v2 software.
See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.