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This module provides an additional formatter to render values in all
core fields as HTML or comma-separated lists.

For multi-value fields, each field value becomes a list item. For long text
fields, each line becomes a list item.

Text Formatter also provides hooks (see textformatter.api.php) so that other
modules can register and implement listings for their field data. The
textformatter_contrib module provides some implementations. This is bundled
with this module. Currently entityreference, node reference, and link fields
are supported.



There is no special configuration for this module. You may configure it just as
you would any other field formatter on the "Manage display" tab.

Text Formatter


Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the
Issue Queue

Current Maintainers


  • Ported to Backdrop CMS by Laryn Kragt Bakker -
  • Initiated and maintained for Drupal 7 by
    Damian Lee.
  • Originally developed for Drupal 6 by Larry Garfield & Emily Brand


This project is GPL v2 software. See the
file in this directory for complete text.