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Social sharing buttons that you can drop into any website with attractive
SVG-based icons, small download, and browser compatibility. No 3rd-party scripts.

You can choose to add the buttons to the end of certain node types or use the
block provided to put them wherever you want in your Layouts.

Originally designed as share buttons (visitor is encouraged to share your page
on their social stream), the buttons can also be used as follow buttons,
where the visitor is encouraged to visit your social stream.


Current Features

  • Use background image instead of inline SVG. Gives smaller page sizes,
    reduced server load and smaller caches.
  • Checkbox on content type admin form to enable social buttons for content of that type.
  • RRSSB Block
  • Configure which buttons to show.
  • Configure button sizes and number of rows.
  • Prefix text such as "follow us" that automatically reflows and resizes.
  • API hook to add custom buttons.


Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the
Issue Queue

Current Maintainers



This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt
file in this directory for complete text.